Launch Special Sale!

The Adventurous Entrepreneur's Bundle:

Running a Successful Business While Roaming The World

Embark on a journey of internal and external discovery with this exclusive collection!

Meticulously and thoughtfully crafted for the modern entrepreneur who dreams of weaving together a thriving business and the thrill of travel, this bundle includes six separate resources, designed to bring you the insights, strategies and action plans you need for a total travel/business lifestyle transformation.

Imagine basking on tropical beaches in exotic locations in the afternoon because you completed your work that morning.

How about idling over an early coffee in a medieval town cafe before you meet virtually with your clients later?

There’s no limit to what you can experience and achieve when you and your business have location independence.  

But you have to know how to set everything up and manage it all.

We’re here to help you do that.

With The Adventurous Entrepreneur’s Bundle, you will have what you need at your fingertips to create an extraordinary life.

Let’s take a look at what’s inside:

Ultimate Business Freedom - How to Travel as Much as You Want Without Missing a Business Beat  ($17)

This gorgeous guide is your Roadmap to discovering how to work with ease as you satisfy your wanderlust.

With over 50 pages of guided exercises, travel stories and photos to inspire you, and an easy to implement plan of action, you'll discover how seamlessly integrating your business obligations with your travel opportunities can create the travel/business lifestyle you crave.

Entrepreneurial Freedom: Mastering the Art of Income and Adventure ($7)

Enter a world where a thriving business creates more travel opportunities and those travel experiences build a better business.

Providing a big vision blueprint for achieving entrepreneurial success while fulfilling your travel dreams, you’ll answer the 3 questions you must ask yourself if you want a travel/business lifestyle that fills your bank account and fulfills your soul.

Unlocking Effortless Sales - Mastering 7 Sales Stressors to Confidently Win Clients and Create Cashflow  ($7)

If you’re in business, you’re in sales, and if you don’t master the selling process, you won’t have the income to travel like you want to.

In this humorous and easy to read ebook, you’ll unlock effortless sales by releasing the mindset baggage you’ve accumulated over the years when it comes to selling.

Demystify the art of selling by acknowledging and overcoming the 7 Sales Stressors that are keeping you from serving more people, making more money and having more fun in your business.

Unveiling the Best Destinations for Digital Nomads: Your Ultimate Resource ($7)

You know you want to travel more so does that include living and working anywhere in the world?

Location is the fun part of deciding to work abroad but what about things like safety, tax regulations, reliable technology and immigration requirements?  

There is so much to consider when mapping out your plan to embark upon being an expat, even if it’s only going to be a few months, and this resource will help make your relocation decision easier.

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Successful Travel Marketer: Strategies for Attracting Sponsorships ($17)

A must-read for those aspiring to turn travel into a profitable marketing venture, this sponsored travel marketing manual has more than 50 pages, sharing the secrets to attracting sponsorships and partnerships that can fund and fuel your travels.

Imagine spending time in your dream destinations, living, working and showcasing the area’s beautiful landscapes, unique accommodations, excursions and dining establishments.  

Mindful of sustainable travel and supporting local business owners, if getting off some of the beaten paths and encouraging others to experience the same, this is for you.

So much goodness in one place!

The Adventurous Entrepreneur's Bundle is more than a collection of eBooks and guides;

it's a passport to blending business acumen with the joy of exploration so

you can combine everything you love to do with every place you want to go.™

AND - as part of this special launch and holiday special, we’ll include our bonus report,

Strategies for Affordable Long-Term Travel  (an additional $7 value!)

Long-term travel doesn't have to break the bank. Discover practical strategies for exploring the world affordably, allowing you to extend your adventures without financial stress.

What are your biggest travel dreams and greatest entrepreneurial aspirations?

A successful travel/business lifestyle requires preparation, planning and a bit of imagination and innovation. After several decades of doing this successfully, we know what you need and what you don’t, and want to help you start living your dream life as quickly as possible.

That’s why we’ve created these resources -

to shorten the time and decrease the effort between where you are and where you want to go.  

We’ve made all the mistakes and experienced the stress of not knowing what we didn’t know and now we want to make sure you can map your journey without having to experience the stressful situations that can occur with a travel/business lifestyle.

If you were to buy each of these individually, it would cost a total of $62.  

HOWEVER, you can get the ENTIRE bundle today for only $27!

That’s over 50% off!

I can’t wait for my bundle.

The Adventurous Entrepreneur’s Bundle is your compass to living a life of freedom, travel, adventure, and success. Oh, and the best part?  These resources are ALL digital so you can download them and save your luggage space for other important items!

But don’t wait!  This special price bundle is only available for a limited time!

Since this is the official launch of our digital products, and it’s the holiday season, we wanted to make this an easy yes for you!  But once we move past the launch phase, these items will only be available `a la carte.

Here’s a quick recap of what you will get: 

√ Unlocking Effortless Sales - $7

√ Unveiling the Best Destinations for Digital Nomads - $7

√ Entrepreneurial Freedom: Mastering the Art of Income and Adventure - $7

√ Travel As Much As You Want Without Missing a Business Beat Roadmap - $17

√ The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Successful Travel Marketer: Strategies for Successful Sponsorship - $17

√ Strategies for Affordable Long-Term Travel - Free Bonus $7

BUY NOW and save $35 and put the savings toward a nice celebratory meal on your next trip!  

(And send us a picture so we can celebrate with you)

There’s never been a better time to embrace the freedom that comes with being a digital nomad - even if you’re middle aged and have no intentions of backpacking! 

Grab your passport, travel itinerary and book of business and then get ready to see your travel/lifestyle dreams become reality!


& get the step-by-step plan you need to


and Create a Business that

Grows on Auto-Pilot

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May 22, 23, 24, 25th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Wander the 7™, LLC.  All Rights Reserved ©2023